Carve out advisory from asset management services: Yes or No?


Key question was to advise if a split between strategic advisory services and asset management services would be a good idea and whether parts could be carved out, disposed of and contracted back from a 3rd party commercial provider.


Trustees of a pension fund which is part of a large multinational company and has been procuring the full range of advisory, portfolio construction and asset management services from the same associated fiduciary service provider.

 Key deliverables

Concrete advice on the way forward and a shortlist of potential 3rd party outsourcing candidates.


We have interviewed the key stakeholders of the client to investigate their expectations via short video calls to get a good understanding of their business. Subsequently we identified a number of proven business models for procuring (strategic) asset management services. 

For each model we identified pros and cons using a best in class evaluation framework which had been developed by ICPM (International Centre for Pension Management) in Toronto.

For each part we produced a short list of leading providers, using our database